Increase in Electricity Prices

NEPRA Announces another Increase in Electricity Prices

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority, or NEPRA, has just issued a notification announcing yet another increase in electricity prices. Effective immediately, the cost per unit of electricity will rise by PKR 3.33. This notification is set to take effect this month, June 2024, under the fuel adjustment charges.

NEPRA Electricity Prices Increased

For many, this announcement is a tough pill to swallow, especially considering that NEPRA has already increased electricity prices twice in the previous month of May 2024. These increments have amounted to a total of PKR 6.58 per unit within just one month. If you want to check your Electricity Bill Online Free of cost visit our website.

This unprecedented rise has sparked a wave of concern and frustration among consumers who are struggling to cope with the escalating cost of living. Let me explain you the notification issued by NEPRA regarding increased electricity prices. Here is the complete guide.

NEPRA’s Notification Increase in Electricity Prices

NEPRA, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority, has issued a notification vide Memo: No. S.R.O. 809 (I)2024 dated 06.06.2024 about a new adjustment in electricity prices. This adjustment is because of changes in fuel costs used to generate electricity.

Fuel Charge Adjustment for April 2024

  • New Fuel Charges: Thee average national fuel charge for April 2024 is Rs. 8.8239 per kWh (kilowatt-hour).
  • Previous Fuel Charge: The reference fuel charge was Rs. 5.4918 per kWh.
  • Increase: This means there is an increase of Rs. 3.3321 per kWh.

Who Will Be Affected:

This increase of Rs. 3.3321 per kWh will apply to all electricity consumers, except

  • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS)
  • Lifeline consumers (those who use very low amounts of electricity)

Billing Information

  • This adjustment will be shown separately on your electricity bill.
  • It will be based on the units of electricity you used in April 2024.
  • The new charges will appear in your June 2024 bill.
  • While applying these new fuel charges, the electricity distribution companies (XWDISCOs) must follow any court orders related to this matter.

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